Government shutdown blamed for postponement of Wellmont’s ‘Wall’ show

Government shutdown wall pink floyd

A scene from ‘The Wall Live Extravaganza.”

The government shutdown has been blamed for the postponement of “The Wall Live Extravaganza,” a theatrical re-creation of Pink Floyd’s classic 1979 double album The Wall, at the Wellmont Theater in Montclair. The Jan. 26 show has been moved to Feb. 27.

In other words, The Wall has resulted in the postponement of “The Wall.” (Somewhere, Roger Waters is smiling.)

Other stops on the show’s tour have been postponed as well.

This production is based in Montreal. According to a message on the Wellmont’s website, “Due to the Government shutdown, there has been a delay in Artist Visas.”

Richard Petit, who performs in the show and is also its artistic director, goes into more detail on the tour’s website,, writing:

“To all our fans in the USA

“On behalf of The Wall Live Extravaganza, this is to inform you that, due to circumstances beyond our control, we are still waiting to receive our visa work permit.

“I must point that we followed all normal procedures (as in the past) to procure our Visas on time. We have done everything possible to accelerate the process and to determine the cause of this delay …

“It seems that multiple factor such as the Government shutdown cause this.

“Deeply sorry about this situation, we are doing our best and hope for the best.”

According to a press release, the show “meshes staged elements of the (1982) film with portions of the historic Roger Waters Berlin concert and his many productions of recent years.”

Tickets for Jan. 26 will be honored on Feb. 27.


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