Bruce Springsteen will turn 70 on Sept. 23. And on that day, Rutgers University Press will publish “Long Walk Home: Reflections on Bruce Springsteen,” a collection of essays by writers such as music critic Greil Marcus, novelist Richard Russo, poet Paul Muldoon, musician/novelist Wesley Stace (John Wesley Harding), Springsteen biographer Peter Ames Carlin and photographer Frank Stefanko.
According to the Rutgers University Press website, the book includes “reflections from a diverse array of writers who explain what Springsteen means to them and describe how they have been moved, shaped, and challenged by his music. … They reveal how Springsteen’s albums served as the soundtrack to their lives while also exploring the meaning of his music and the lessons it offers its listeners.”
The book is edited by Jonathan D. Cohen, and June Skinner Sawyers and includes essays by Natalie Adler, Eric Alterman, Regina Barreca, Nancy Bishop, Dermot Bolger, Jefferson Cowie, Jim Cullen, Joel Dinerstein, Gillian G. Gaar, Martyn Joseph, Deepa Iyer, Louis Masur, Lauren Onkey, A. O. Scott, Colleen Sheehy, Irwin Streight, Wayne Swan, David L. Ulin, Elijah Wald, Daniel Wolff and Kenneth Womack, in addition to the six writers mentioned above.
Cohen is the managing editor of BOSS: The Biannual Online-Journal of Springsteen Studies. Sawyers edited “Racing in the Street: The Bruce Springsteen Reader” (2004) and wrote “Workingman: The Faith-Based Politics of Bruce Springsteen” (2014).
For more information, visit rutgersuniversitypress.org.