Better late than never. In two interviews, Bruce Springsteen has directly addressed, in depth, Donald Trump’s presidential campaign — something he refrained from doing while performing for massive crowds throughout the world this year.
In an interview on Norwegian television, he said, of Trump’s campaign, that “the absurdity is beyond cartoon-like” and “even him running is a great embarrassment if you’re an American.” (see video below)
Also, in an interview with Rolling Stone, he said: “the republic is under siege by a moron, basically. The whole thing is tragic. Without overstating it, it’s a tragedy for our democracy.”
This is an excerpt from a not yet fully published Rolling Stone interview in which Springsteen also came out in support of Hillary Clinton, saying, “I like Hillary. I think she would be a very, very good president.”
In 2004, Springsteen participated with other artists in the Vote for Change tour, in support of John Kerry’s run against George W. Bush. In 2008 and 2012, he performed at rallies in support of Barack Obama. Springsteen has not performed at any political events this year, though. When asked about that by Rolling Stone, he said: “I don’t know if we’ve been approached or not to do anything at the moment. If so, I would take it into consideration and see where it goes.”
Visit for more of Springsteen’s comments about Trump.
Well if he is going to get into name calling..if Trump is a moron then Hilary has to be an lying idiot
That would be “a” lying idiot, idiot.
I take it that some like the idea the future president of the united states of america would have professional wrestling experience. I also wonder why that a business man with bankruptcies and many failed ventures is able to defeat a group that was once the party of Lincoln and was once for equality and fair practice. Not saying they are not for it now, but from the do nothing congress to the government shutdown and the ben-got-me fiasco it seems that politics as usual has not been that case and the GOP nominee is the result.