Danny Blu of Echo Black
Danny Blu formed Echo Black in 2015 and this New York-based outfit has just released their first full-length album, Dawn, and are currently out on the road with City of the Weak on their Turn It to Eleven Tour.
May 2 sees them stop in Jersey’s best music town, Asbury Park, with a show at the Asbury Park Music Foundation. Joining them and City of the Weak are New York metal band In Loving Memory. They will also perform at the Voltage Lounge in Philadelphia, May 3, and the Knitting Factory in Brooklyn, May 4.
Press releases have them labeled as dance rock, but these four men are a definite mix of multiple genres. Some may consider them glam rock; others, metal; and still others, power pop. But one thing is for sure: They’re chock full of energy. The paradox here is that along with that energy they have somewhat dark lyrical content; both are on display in their music and corresponding videos.
Their music is a throwback to ’80s and ’90s techno, retro, new wave rock with a definite edge. Their stage presence consists of bygone glam rock days and makeup with a vintage Duran Duran look, encapsulated in ebony.
“I’m so glad that you caught the reference,” said Blu. “Most guys don’t catch that and we kind of did that intentionally. Those bands back in the day, that whole look and stage show … we’re kind of paying tribute to the music and bands that we grew up on.”
According to their website, Dawn is their coming-of-age story and was completely funded by their fans via Indiegogo. “We’ve got a great fan base and we are so grateful for their support,” said Blu.
The tour is a whirlwind of dates with the group only having seven off dates from start to finish. But Blu says the band intends on bringing it to their fans nightly without fail.
“When you come see us be ready to rock and dance. We’re high energy and ready to rock. We love connecting with the crowd.”
For more about Echo Black, visit facebook.com/echoblackmusic.
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