“Reckless Steamy Nights” is the title of a series of shows presented by the Jersey Shore Jazz & Blues Foundation at the Sen. Anthony Reckless Estate in Red Bank (home of the Woman’s Club of Red Bank), and the next show in the series, Jan. 29 at 8:30 p.m., will be a tribute to Louis Armstrong, Django Reinhardt and Bessie Smith, featuring guitarist Mike Barris and Friends.
Rhythm guitarist Barris, who lives in Elberon, will be joined by singer Jennifer Jordan, formerly of the Terraplane Blues Band, as well as lead guitarist Doug Clarke and trumpeter Tom Bender.
Suggested donation is $10, with proceeds supporting scholarship programs sponsored by the Woman’s Club and the Jersey Shore Jazz & Blues Foundation.
“Reckless Steamy Nights” concerts are held on the last Friday of each month at the Reckless estate. The next show, Feb. 26, will feature Poppa John “Bug” & the Jam Band.
For information, visit facebook.com/JSJBF.
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